Oil depot lightning warning system


Total land area of the tank farm: 28.5 acres

The steel structure and metal tanks on the roof of the oil depot are susceptible to lightning strikesThe oil depot is equipped with a certain amount of hazardous materials storage, such as oil and chemical storage tanks.

According to incomplete statistics, from 1944 to the present, there have been more than 650 fire and explosion accidents of oil tanks in the world; among them, accidents caused by lightning strikes accounted for 34.5%. In recent years, the oil depot suffered a lightning strike caused by fire is becoming increasingly serious. Tanks in the oil depot area suffered a direct lightning, due to the conversion of electrical energy to heat, lightning will produce a strong arc, so that the metal melting or splashing, can be directly ignited or detonated here the presence of oil and air mixture, causing explosions and fires, resulting in huge damage and casualties!

How to implement effective lightning protection measures to protect personnel and property safety has become an urgent task for the oil depot.
Ezra established a lightning early warning system for the tank farm, providing an integrated lightning early warning program from early warning program design, on-site installation and commissioning, user safety training to early warning equipment maintenance.

The system can monitor real-time lightning activity within 20 kilometers of the tank area, and can be issued 30 minutes in advance of the yellow-orange-red three-level lightning warning, timely notification of the scenic staff to take lightning emergency plan, so that before the arrival of lightning, stop sending and receiving and transmission and open tank operations, and timely evacuation of outdoor staff, to ensure safe production, and to reduce the non-essential stoppage of work and detention time. ip65 early warning probes have a WF2 corrosion-resistant grade, can be stable for a long time under various environmental conditions. It can be operated stably for a long time under various environmental conditions, with a service life of more than 10 years and a 5-year warranty.

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